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Classroom activities based on current events. Each Case Study includes background information, activities, key terms and related resources.
How we can use simple claim checks to make sure we have our facts straight about the covid vaccines
Maybe ... but lower-tech 'cheapfakes' are the much bigger problem at the moment
How to debunk the kind of false information that can undermine trust in elections
Asking 'who made this and why?' about a news site turns up disinformation at election time
How a news organization's language choices can shape public understanding of events
Twitter labelling Trump’s tweets raises questions about what should be allowed on social media
Nature may be healing in some places, but many of the stories are too good to be true
Analyzing news about the federal leadership debate provides an opportunity to understand the issues
A look at memes, politics, and informed citizenship
Why an altered photo of Green Party leader Elizabeth May's mug became news
Deplatforming certain personalities raises questions around what can and can't be said online.
When Notre Dame caught fire, the internet quickly filled with erroneous speculation
Why verification is the most important journalism standard
Facebook's mishandling of user data raises big questions around trust, privacy, and information.
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